Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace
Department of Philosophy, Stockholm University
Two Year Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Practical Philosophy (ref no SU FV-0807-18)
Application deadline: 30 March 2018
The Post-Doctoral Fellow will join the project ‘Cultural Heritage and the Ethics of War’, a collaborative endeavour between Derek Matravers of the Open University and Helen Frowe of the Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace. The project is funded by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council. The successful applicant for this position will be appointed to the Department of Philosophy at Stockholm University and will conduct research in Stockholm. The Department of Philosophy is Sweden’s largest philosophy department, and is divided into Theoretical Philosophy and Practical Philosophy. It has a thriving research community and hosts regular visiting speakers and conferences. You can find more information about the department here: http://www.philosophy.su.se/english/. Please note that there is no requirement to speak Swedish to hold this post, and research will be undertaken in English.
The Fellow will be expected to produce and publish high-quality analytic research on the project theme of the status of cultural heritage in war. The project, which will run until 30th September 2020, seeks to answer three central questions:
Under what circumstances may we intentionally or foreseeably damage sites of cultural property in war?
What, if anything, ought we to do to protect cultural property in conflict zones, and at what cost?
What is the appropriate response to damaged sites of cultural property?
The project will draw on, and contribute to, work on the value and nature of cultural heritage, proportionality, agent-relative reasons, duties to aid, liability to harm, notions of ownership, the nature of value and valuing, and the value of reconstructed artefacts. The project’s findings have the potential to shed light on various aspects of war. It will help determine the circumstances in which an offensive designed to secure a military objective is rendered disproportionate by the collateral damage it will do to cultural property; or in which resources should be put towards protecting cultural property; or in which cultural property ought to be sacrificed for purely military objectives. As a corollary, it will help support public understanding about justification (or lack of justification) for engaging in war, and for conduct within war. Engagement outside of academia is a key part of the project. Our collaborative partners include the United States Military Academy at West Point, the Norwegian Ethics Council for the Defence Sector, the American University of Beirut and the Institute for Futures Studies in Stockholm.
The Fellow will be expected to disseminate his or her research via international conferences. To this end, a research stipend is attached to the post. The Fellow will also undertake administrative work related to the running of the project, such as organising conferences and workshops, undertaking editing work, maintaining the project website. He or she will be expected to attend and participate in the project’s various events, including events in the United States, Middle East and Europe.
Qualification Requirements
Applicants should have a doctoral degree in Philosophy or other relevant discipline (e.g. Law, Political Theory) that has given them sufficient analytical training by the application deadline (30th March). Those without doctoral degrees should submit a letter from their supervisor confirming the expected submission date as part of their application. Preference will be given to applicants who are within three years of being awarded their PhD. If there are special reasons, such as sick leave, parental leave, or a position of responsibility within a trade or student union, an applicant with a doctorate completed more than three years ago may also be considered. Please detail any such considerations in your covering letter.
Applicants should be able to demonstrate their ability to produce high-quality research, as evidenced by publications and / or their doctoral thesis, conference presentations and letters of reference. Priority will be given in the selection process to research potential. However, the post should partly serve to enable the Fellow to secure a permanent or tenure-track position after the Fellowship, and thus some weight will be given to teaching proficiency and administrative skills.
Terms of Employment
The duration of the Fellowship is two years, with a possibility of prolongation due to special reasons, such as an absence from work due to illness, parental leave, etc. The start date is 1st October 2018. The expected starting salary is approximately 37,000 SEK/month (approx. 444,000 SEK a year). This is a pensionable position, subject to the favourable conditions of standard Swedish social benefits, such as paid parental leave.
Stockholm University strives to be a work place that is free from discrimination and with equal opportunities for all.
The application should be written in English, and should include:
Covering letter, outlining the applicant’s research plans for the duration of the Fellowship (maximum of two pages), emphasising how this research aligns with the project’s goals.
CV, including a list of publications, details of conference presentations, experience of engagement outside of academia, teaching experience, and the names and contact details of three referees.
Writing samples of up to 10,000 words on a relevant topic. This may be two short pieces or one longer piece. Please note that the word count is strict, and longer samples will not be read.
Interviews for this post are expected to be held via Skype in April 2018. Applicants who are invited for interview will be asked to give a short presentation (no longer than 15 minutes) of their current research, future research plans and how they envisage themselves contributing to the project, followed by an interview that will assess their research plans, teaching experience and administrative skills.
Instructions for applicants can be found here: https://www.su.se/english/about/working-at-su/instructions-applicants.
A second position, to be held at the Open University in the UK, will be advertised shortly. Candidates are welcome to apply for both positions.
Enquiries should be directed to Helen Frowe, at helen.frowe@philosophy.su.se.