Life's Meaningfulness and the Destruction of Cultural Heritage
June 16, 2020
Josh Thomas will present his paper "Life's Meaningfulness and the Destruction of Cultural Heritage" on the 17-19th June at The Third International Conference on Philosophy and Meaning in Life in Birmingham.

On removing controversial artefacts
May 20, 2020
On May 21th 2020 Helen Frowe will give a live interview at the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics on removing controversial artefacts.

Bearing risks for culture?
April 16, 2020
William Bülow will give a talk at the annual CEPPA graduate conference at S.t Andrews on the 17th-19th of April 2020. The title of his talk is "Bearing risks for culture?" and will focus on to what extent just combatants are morally required to bear risks to their own lives in order to avoid harm to heritage monuments and sites.
On the Ethics of Reconstructing Destroyed Cultural Heritage Monuments
January 08, 2020
William Bülow will present his and Joshua Lewis Thomas paper "On the Ethics of Reconstructing Destroyed Cultural Heritage Monuments" at the Annual Colloquium of the Philosophical Society of Finland, January 9-10 at the University of Helsinki, Finland.

Risking Lives in order to Avoid Harm to Cultural Heritage in War
November 14, 2019
William Bülow will present his paper "On Risking Lives in order to Avoid Harm to Cultural Heritage in War" at the OZSW Annual Conference in Philosophy, November 15-16 at the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Meaning and Cultural Heritage
June 27, 2019
Joshua Lewis Thomas will present his paper "Meaning and Cultural Heritage" at the Society for Applied Philosophy annual conference held at the University of Cardiff the 28th-30th of June,

Risking Lives for the Sake of Protecting Cultural Heritage in War
June 12, 2019
William Bülow will present his paper "Risking Lives for the Sake of Protecting Cultural Heritage in War" at the 10th Braga Meetings in Ethics and Political Philosophy, June 13-15 at the University of Minho, Portugal.
Conflict and Cultural Heritage: A Moral Analysis of the Challenges of Heritage Protection
April 15, 2019
Helen Frowe and Derek Matravers will present their joint work "Conflict and Cultural Heritage: A Moral Analysis of the Challenges of Heritage Protection" at The Getty Institute, Los Angeles, the 16th of April.
Conflict and Cultural Heritage: A Moral Analysis of the Challenges of Heritage Protection
April 11, 2019
Helen Frowe will be presenting her and Derek Matravers' paper "Conflict and Cultural Heritage: A Moral Analysis of the Challenges of Heritage Protection" at the Moral and Political Philosophy Seminar, The University of California, San Diego the 12th of April .

Risking Lives for the Sake of Protecting Cultural Heritage in War
March 07, 2019
William Bülow will present his paper "Risking Lives for the Sake of Protecting Cultural Heritage in War" at the Research Seminar in Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy, Turku University

Protecting Cultural Heritage in Armed Conflict and Situations of Forcible Displacement: An (Emerging) Human Right?
February 28, 2019
Dr Emma Cunliffe, Prof Peter Stone and Dr Dacia Viejo-Rose are all speakers at the upcoming conference Protecting Cultural Heritage in Armed Conflict and Situations of Forcible Displacement: An (Emerging) Human Right? at Newcastle University the 1th-2nd of March.
Heritage in War: Protecting Cultural Property and Human Harm
July 16, 2018
In his inaugural lecture, Heritage in War: Protecting Cultural Property and Human Harm, Professor Matravers, will explore whether we should risk lives to protect historical buildings. He will go on to assess the values of buildings and our deeper obligation to not kill human beings.

The Reconstruction of Damaged or Destroyed Heritage
May 15, 2018
Derek Matravers presents his paper "Ruins" at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
Protecting Cultural Property in War
Helen Frowe presents her paper "Protecting Cultural Property in War" at the International conference commemorating the centennial anniversary of the end of World War I: Historical, legal, political and ethical aspects of contemporary military and non-military conflicts in Warsaw, Poland.
Protecting Cultural Property in War
February 19, 2018
Helen Frowe presents her paper "Protecting Cultural Property in War" at a workshop on Contemporary Just War Theory and Legal Theory at Universitat de Girona, Spain
Damaging Cultural Heritage as Political Resistance
February 01, 2018
Helen Frowe presents her paper "Damaging Cultural Heritage as Political Resistance" at a workshop on Civil Resistance at Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Studies.
Protecting Cultural Artefacts in War
November 06, 2017
Helen Frowe presents her paper "Protecting Cultural Artefacts in War" at the Conference of the International Society for Military Ethics: Asia-Pacific Chapter in at the University of New South Wales, Canberra, Australia